Master ZHANG Zheng Bin张正斌师父

Doctor, lineage holder of Zi Ran Men Qi Gong
in the 6th generation

At the age of 13, Master ZHANG Zheng Bin began studying Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong and martial arts with many teachers.

Besides his medicine study to become a doctor, he also studied Zi Ran Men Qi Gong and Buddhism most intensively. He has been running his own practice in Chengdu, Sichuan, since 1988, where he treats and heals numerous patients every day with great success, as well as teaching many students. In addition to Bonn, students of his have opened their own practices in Munich, Tübingen and Aix-en-Provence.



Contact information

Zhang Zheng Bin Zhongyi Zhensuo - 张正斌中医诊所
Guo Jia Qiao West Road 3/9 - 郭家桥⻄街 3/9
Wu Hou District -武侯区
610041 Chengdu - 610041 成都
Sichuan, V.R. China - 四川,中国
Tel.: +86-151 8439 8891 - 电话:+86-151 8439 8891